The relationship between Church and democracy has been much debated; more often than not these debates have proven unproductive. Two strains of arguments have been advanced : (1) an alledged hostility of the Church toward democracy, (2) an apparent incapacity...
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Le commerce équitable est à la mode, il a même eu au début du mois de mai 2004 sa quinzaine destinée à sensibiliser les consommateurs à sa cause. Même s’il ne représente que 0,1 % du commerce européen avec les pays en voie de développement, il n’est pas...
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In Elie Wiesel's little book, Night , we are introduced to a neighbour of the Wiesels, a certain Mrs. Schachter who had often frequented their home. We are introduced to her in the course of the deportation of the Jewish community in the neigbhourhood...
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Distinguished Bishops, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is a distinct honor and privilege to speak to you about the PGD procedure in Germany and the related issue of unprotected human pro-nuclei. 1. Basics “Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is the diagnostic...
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La doctrine sociale de l’Église fait des recherches sur les conditions structurelles et institutionnelles pouvant assurer la réussite de la vie de l’homme. Elle élabore des directives relatives à un ordre bon et juste de la société, telle qu’il rende...
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1. Introduction My profession is economics, consequently, a focus of my paper on „the defence of life“ is concerned just to the „economic antropology“ or to our „market experience“. A culture of market -or better- a spirit of consumerism- endangering...
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L’Église Orthodoxe prend bien des mésures pour la protection de la vie dans le monde contemporain. Parmi ces mésures on peut nommer plusieurs conférences, publications (par exemple celles de père S. Charakas en Grèce, de pères J. Breck et T. Engelgard...
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The Church of England (C of E) has and does consistently and officially oppose euthanasia in all its forms (as does the Anglican Communion as a whole, agreed at the Lambeth Conference of Anglican Bishops in 1998). This opposition has been both stated...
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Introduction There is no disguising the fact that the title of my presentation at this conference does not closely resemble the other titles. Oddly enough, however, after 15 years’ of working in the pro-life movement, my first thought upon receiving Dr....
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Introduction When the 2004 Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church first fell into my hands some months before its promulgation, of the many pleasant “surprises” was the text’s specific mention and forthright condemnation of abortion, both in...
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